Our Services
Protein Identification
MS3 Solutions provides a wide range of sample preparation solutions to suit your research requirements. From raw product to purified protein we can help identify proteins of interest. If your project requires a more detailed analysis, please contact us to discuss. We will provide you with a customised project plan to meet your research needs.
Sample Preparation Service
Protocols for preparing protein samples may differ according to the source of the samples, physical properties, subcellular location, protein abundance, and matrix that they are suspended in.
In our general workflow, protein complexes are separated by 1D or 2D gel electrophoresis and the target protein is then extracted and digested into peptide fragments, followed by HPLC separation and LC-MS/MS analysis.
Mass Spectrometry
Protein identification using mass spectrometry takes many forms and is often dependent upon purity, complexity of the protein sample, and the type of coverage required. MS3 performs protein identification services for a broad range of sample types including:
Accurate mass determination of Intact proteins
Native proteins, recombinant proteins, and antibodies
1D- and 2D-PAGE purified protein samples (Coomassie G250 stained proteins)
Affinity-purified (AP) and Immuno-purified (IP) samples
Fractionated lysates from animal tissue and fluids, plants, microorganisms, biofluids, and cells cultures
Analysis of Purified Protein Samples:
Purified proteins can be analysed by LC-MS (intact) or by LC-MS/MS (bottom-up). MS3 uses Orbitrap
UHPLC LC-MS/MS technology to provide high-sensitivity detection of purified protein samples. For full sequence coverage, MS3 offers a multi-enzyme approach for peptide mapping studies.
Analysis of Complex Protein Samples:
For more complex samples MS3 can employ extended LC gradients or sample fractionation techniques such as isoelectric focusing, 1D/2D PAGE, selective precipitation or affinity/immuno-chromatography prior to mass spectrometry. Talk to us if you require a more detailed analysis of a complex sample.
MS3 uses PEAKS Studio X bioinformatic software for all analyses providing:
de novo sequencing
Database search
Spectral Library Search
Post-translational modification (PTM) search with 500+ modifications
Sequence variant and mutation search
Protein Quantification (Label-free and TMT)
We provide fast and accurate results at affordable prices. For straightforward analysis, please download the sample submission form.